working with strings in Javascript
In this section, we shall look at some of the operations that could be performed with strings or on string. We will also look at some string methods.
Concatenating Strings
To concatenate strings mean to join two (2) strings together to form a single sign, basically this can be done using a plus (+) operator
var f_name = 'Joy'
var l_name = 'Lawson''
var full_name = f_name +" " + l_name
// Joy Lawson
Working with long strings
When you have a long string like this one below,
var l_String = "Computer programming is the process of designing and\ building an executable computer program for accomplishing a specific\ computing task.";
Backslash character ("\") , added at the end of each line will indicate that the string will continue on the next line.
But you must be sure there is no space or any other character after the backslash (except for a line break), otherwise it will not work.
Sometimes, you may wish to break the string into multiple lines in the source code using a plus (+) operator without affecting the actual string contents. This will also append multiple strings together, like this:
let l_String = "Computer programming is the process of designing" +
and building an executable computer program for accomplishing +
a specific computing task.";
Comparing strings
In JavaScript, you just use the less-than and greater-than operators:
var a = 'a';
var b = 'b';
if (a < b) {
console.log(a + ' is less than ' + b);
} else if (a > b) {
console.log(a + ' is greater than ' + b);
} else {
console.log(a + ' and ' + b + ' are equal.');
// a is less than b
Converting/Casting strings
By using String() or toString() functions, you can change the value of a string to an object or change the value of a data typr to a string data type.
var d_string= 'foo';
var d_str_obj = new String (d_string);
console.log (typeof d_string);
// creates a string primitive"string"
console.log (typeof d_str_obj);
// creates a String object"object"
Similarly, Other data types or objects, can be converted to string, using the same String or toString keywords.
function about_Strings() {
var val_1 = new Date();// date object
var val_2 = "2700"; //string
var val_3 = 2700; //number
var new_str_val =
String(val_1) + "<br>" +
toString(val_2) + "<br>" +
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = res;
Sat Jan 26 2019 03:00:54 GMT+0000 (Greenwich Mean Time)
Manipulating Strings
There are so many effect we can achieve by manipulating a given string or strings In this Example, we ar going to be using three string methods
function myFunction() {
var dDtring2= 'Programming is interesting'
let splitted= dDtring2.split('').reverse().join('-');
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = splitted;
g-n-i-t-s-e-r-e-t-n-i- -s-i- -g-n-i-m-m-a-r-g-o-r-P
Aside from these methods mentioned here, there are many others including:
charAt(), charCodeAt(), concat(), endsWith(), includes(), indexOf(), lastIndexOf(), match(), repeat(), replace(), search() slice(), split(), startsWith(), substr(), substring(), toLocaleLowerCase(), toLowerCase(), toString(), toUpperCase(), trim(), valueOf().
Meanwhile, you can give the examoles we have used above a try, to see how they work
Example: Working With Strings
<img id="source_image" alt=".." src='C:\Users\Grace\Desktop\LUVPIX.JPG' /><br><br>
<h1>WORKING WITH STRINGS</h1><br><br>
Enter any text: <input id="myInput" type="text">
How many letter are you expecting?: <input id="myInput2" type="text">
<input id="btn" type="button" value = 'Randomnise' onclick='word()'/><br>
<p id="demo"></p>
function word(){
var starting_String = "";
var get_value=document.getElementById("myInput").value;
var get_value2=document.getElementById("myInput2").value;
var int_get_value2 = parseInt(get_value2, 10)
var start_name=function(){
if (get_value.length > int_get_value2){
while (starting_String.length <int_get_value2 ) {
starting_String =starting_String+ get_value[Math.floor(Math.random() * get_value.length)];
}else {
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML='Please enter a text longer than' +' ' + int_get_value2;