ARRAYS in Javascript
Array objects in The JavaScript are used in the construction of arrays. Similar to lists (in many programming languages), arrays are high-level objects ( data structure), consisting of a collection of elements, each identified by at least one array index or key. Unlike a class object, array elements may or may not be related to each other.
How to create an array
Example 1:
var colors = ['red', 'blue', 'green']; //create an array with 3 similar elements.
var numbers = [23, -100, 90.4];
var an_Array = ['John', 'is', 'here', 90.4, -12, 'dogs', 'African']; //create an array with 6 dissimilar elements.
Example 2:
Starting with an empty array
var an_Array =[];
for (var i = 0; i< 10; i++){
let cube = Math.pow(i, 3);
an_Array.push(cube); //populate the array
console.log( an_Array.length); //display number of item in the array
Example 3:
Starting with an empty array
var an_Array =[];
for (var i = 0; i< 10; i++){
let cube = Math.pow(i, 3);
let another_arr=[i, cube];// create an array of each i and its cube
an_Array.push(another_arr); //populate the empty array by adding an array of cube and i.
console.log( an_Array.length); //display number of item in the array
Example 4:
var array1 = new Array(a, b, 12, 'man');
console.log(array1); // [1, 2, 3]
console.log(array1.length); // 3
How to access an array
var an_Array = ['John', 'is', 'here', 90.4, -12, 'dogs', 'African'];
Example 1:
let third_item = an_Array[2]; // Gets the string 'here' in array index[2]
let last_item = an_Array[an_Array.length-1]; // Gets the last item in index position--- array length -1 (since the index starts at zero (0))
console.log( an_Array.length)
Checking all the elements in the array
Depending on the elements in the array (whether they are similar or not), there various ways to loop through them.
var an_Array1 = ['John', 'is', 'here', 90.4, -12, 'dogs', 'African'];
var an_Array2 = [24, 20, 12, 10, 100];
Example 1:
Using forEach()
an_Array1.forEach(function(e) {
}); //displays all the items in the array on the console---Because forEach takes every element of the array and execute your order on each of them.
Example 2:
Using forEach()
an_Array2.forEach(function(e, ) {
}); //displays the square of all the items in the array on the console. Notice that all the items in the array are similar (numbers)
Example 3:
Using for----in:
var t;
for(t in an_Array2);
let t1=an_Array2 [t]
}); //displays the square of all the items in the array on the console. Notice that all the items in the array are similar (numbers)
Example 4:
Using for----length:
var t;
for(t =0; t< an_Array2.length; t++);
let t1=an_Array2 [t]
}); //displays the square of all the items in the array on the console. Notice that all the items in the array are similar (numbers)
Other array Methods
pop( )------Removes the item from the end of an Array
shift()-----Removes the item from the front of an Array
unshift(an item)----Adds an item to the front of an Array
indexOf(an item)-----Finds the index of an item in the Array
splice(the index position, number of times)---Removes an item by index position, a given number of times
Note : The splice() method adds item to an array,
removes items to and from an array, and
return the removed item(s).
e.g 1:
var animals = ["Dog", "Goat", "Cow", "Lion"];
animals.splice(1, 0, "Cat");// returns ---Dog, Cat, Goat, Cow, Lion ---because the splice method says, go to index position (1), do not remove anything (0), then add Cat in that position 1.
e.g 2:
animals.splice(1, 2);// returns Dog, Lion---because the splice method says, go to index position (1), do not add anything, but remove the 2 items from that position , ---- ( "Goat", "Cow")
Example use of array Methods
<img id="source_image" alt=".." src='C:\Users\Grace\Desktop\LUVPIX.JPG' /><br><br>
<h1>WORKING WITH STRINGS</h1><br><br>
Enter your name here: <input id="myInput" type="text">
<input id="btn" type="button" value = 'See your profession' onclick='c()'>
<p id="demo"></p>
function c(){
var jobs =['Accountant', 'Banker', 'Curator', 'Doctor', 'Entertainer', 'Fisherman'];
var get_names=document.getElementById("myInput").value;
var start_name=get_names.charAt(0).toUpperCase();
var all_input=start_name+get_names.slice(1);
let e1=e.charAt(0).toUpperCase();
if (e1===start_name){
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = 'Your name is:'+all_input + ','+' ' + 'So you are a:' + ' '+jobs[jobs.indexOf(e1.charAt(0)+e.slice(1))];
The code above display your profession based on your name, you can try re-writing this code without the array and see what it looks like, you can compare the length of both codes